Episcopal Church of the Ascension welcomes all as we strive to honor and glorify God in worship and serve one another and the community around us.

Episcopal Church of the Ascension welcomes all as we strive to honor and glorify God in worship and serve one another and the community around us.

Episcopal Church of the Ascension welcomes all as we strive to honor and glorify God in worship and serve one another and the community around us.

Episcopal Church of the Ascension welcomes all as we strive to honor and glorify God in worship and serve one another and the community around us.

What You're Saying
Ascension Testimonials From Our Members
Katie Dickinson and Gene Putnam
For our family, Ascension in not only a place to worship in a loving environment, but it is also church that operates outside of the four walls. One of our values is contributing to the community, and Ascension gives us a great opportunity to do this.

Nancy Calloway
When I walk into the doors of Ascension, I know that I have found a place where I can worship God. Every face is welcoming; people in the pews know that God
is there! There is joy, peace, and comfort in the worship.
Brett and Ashley Rector
We love the welcoming faces, the strong faith community, and the spirit of love that permeates Ascension.

La Bau Bryan
When searching for a new church home after I retired and returned to Texas, diversity, inclusion, and outreach were all at the top of my list. After my first visit to Ascension, I knew I didn't need to look further. Six years later, I appreciate all the opportunities provided to me to grow as a Christian. Being part of this church community has been a blessing.
Rev. Laura Warner Gilmer
As we examine our whys and wants, let's give thought to why we pledge to support the ministries of Ascension. As we give to the work of this parish, God gives to those within and touched by this family of the faithful. The heart and soul of Ascension is the continued love of its people and the true desire to enable Christ's work in this corner of the world. Let's continue to show this in every way that we can, giving of that with which God has gifted us...in time, talent, and pledges.

Kathy and Mike Wendling
Ascension has been my spiritual home for 40 years! Mike and I were married here, and my children and grandchildren have been baptized here. Why do I stay? The love of God and each other is transparent at Ascension. From bonds built in Bible Study to serving in the community in so many ways to teaching and learning from the children and youth of the church, Ascension fulfills my spiritual needs and Baptismal vows joyfully!
Beth and Bill Dunham
Ascension has always been a warm and welcoming place. From our first Sunday in 1987 when Perry Lyons heartily greeted us, the people at our church have shown their love of God by supporting both
members and the greater community. I've heard from outsiders and returning parishioners that Ascension is like no other church, and we believe it!
Winifred and Todd Rutenbar
Ascension is a place where we feel at home. We have found many opportunities to contribute to the life of the parish and the larger community. We enjoy the abundant fellowship, the remarkable people, and the grace extended to us. From serving in the AV booth, singing in the choir, tending campus trees and plants, to other ministries within and outside of Ascension, our talents and gifts find expression here in service to the Lord.
Kabir Master and Steven Lee
We love Ascension because it is inclusive, accepting and loving. It gives of itself. Service, humility, unconditional love.
Words = Action
Christine Miller
After years of not attending church, I found a beautiful, spiritual home at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension. There, I found what I had been looking for: a community of Christian love, acceptance, and faith. The outreach to the parishioners and the surrounding community is welcoming and authentic. I look forward to being uplifted and inspired each week through the teachings of Christ and the fellowship of his followers at Ascension.

Chris Reed
I recently joined our church with some intentionality: I was wanting to be part of a diverse faith community, especially within the Anglo-Catholic spiritual tradition, that took on the hard work of being the hands of Christ to those that we pray for together in our liturgies on Sunday mornings and individually throughout the week. Through Ascension’s work on issues of food insecurity like our community garden and food banks, aiding refugees and asylum seekers, and literally bringing living water to our fellow citizens in Sand Branch in South Dallas County, I found the Church as I think Jesus intended us to be for our time and place. Are we perfect as a church? No. Are we all striving together in community to better reflect the love of Christ for our part of Dallas and the wider world? Yes. Through our prayer and study together, we are all growing in different ways—not just to wring our hands and clutch our pearls—but to get our hands dirty in God’s good creation to help bring God’s dream of justice, love, and grace for all.