Episcopal Church of the Ascension welcomes all as we strive to honor and glorify God in worship and serve one another and the community around us.

Episcopal Church of the Ascension welcomes all as we strive to honor and glorify God in worship and serve one another and the community around us.

Episcopal Church of the Ascension welcomes all as we strive to honor and glorify God in worship and serve one another and the community around us.

Episcopal Church of the Ascension welcomes all as we strive to honor and glorify God in worship and serve one another and the community around us.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35
Pastoral Care is a ministry of active encouragement and compassion offered by laypeople and clergy to celebrate, sustain, heal, and reconcile one another. We reach out in our own individual, spontaneous ways, and through organized groups like Stephen Ministry, Food for Souls, and our Card and Phone Ministry.
We believe everyone in our parish has unique gifts and can participate as ministers of encouragement in celebrating joyous events in our parish family, building relationships, reaching out to those in need, and compassionately serving others.
Our clergy team wants you to know we are available to you for 1:1 pastoral care by phone, email, or videoconference and, in extreme situations, in person. If your need is urgent, please call our pastoral care line. If you have a concern to share with the clergy, you can also submit it by email by clicking on red icon below. This is a confidential account that only the clergy can access. Prayer requests can be submitted by email as well. If you or a loved one is in the hospital, please call us as soon as you can and let our clergy know. Clergy are available for visitation, Communion, Anointing of the Sick, and Ministration to the Dying. In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact us through the pastoral care hotline at 214.382.9776.
The sacraments are an important part of our faith. The Eucharist (communion) in particular is nourishment to our faith, a visible reminder of Christ, and how we seek to embody Christ to the world. When someone cannot come to our common worship on Sunday, we have members who will bring the sacraments to them upon request. Interested in LEV training or receiving a eucharistic visit? Contact Fr. Paul.
What is spiritual direction? At certain points in life, many people find that it is helpful to share their journey with another. It's a practice of deep listening that is informed by a contemplative way of being in the world. There is no charge for spiritual direction, just a commitment to regular meetings and a willingness to honestly examine yourself emotionally, theologically, and spiritually. The rewards are great! For a list of certified spiritual directors contact Fr. Paul.
Pastoral counseling is available to anyone who may be struggling with a practical problem, a personal or emotional issue, or a spiritual crisis. Ascension clergy are available to help you discern ways to cope and to offer hope through the situation. Our clergy can also help with grief counseling resources. Contact Fr. Paul.
Acknowledging important events in people’s lives is provided through this ministry by sending greeting cards for birthdays, anniversaries, sympathy, new babies, and other events.
Agape Meals is a ministry of the Pastoral Care Committee at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension. It provides meals to communicants during times of illness or stress. These events can include hospitalization, death in the family, traumatic accidents, illness of family members, and the birth of a child.
To initiate the process, you can contact Fr. Paul or Katie Dickenson from the Pastoral Care Committee. Alternatively, the Pastoral Care Committee may contact you if they become aware of a situation where you might benefit from a meal. The number of meals provided is determined on a case-by-case basis, as each situation is different.
Meals are scheduled through Meal Train and include information on dietary restrictions, the number of family members requiring a meal, and any other special requirements. Meal Train also has an option for participants to donate money that can be used to purchase meals delivered to their homes. A Pastoral Care volunteer will work with you to identify the ministries or committees that you participate in, and the outreach for meals will be sent to those groups first. For example, if you are a member of the choir, participate in the Men's Bible Study, and are actively involved with an Outbound Ministry, the outreach for meals will be sent to those three groups first. However, this does not mean that others who want to participate will not be able to do so. If you are not involved in any committees or ministries, a wider call for participation will be sent to the congregation.