Throughout my life, I have done my best to cultivate good habits. While many are part of my weekly routine, only a few select habits occur daily. Prayer is one daily habit that I am particularly deliberate about. While on sabbatical, I prioritized the practice of prayer further, allowing myself more time to be unhurried and to explore more variations.
Most days I sat to read the Daily Office from a prayer book my parents gave me when I was ordained to the diaconate. It is similar in style to those I observed them using while growing up, and it provided a certain nostalgia as well as an easy path to each office the the readings assigned. Taking the time to sit with the actual book helped me slow down and soak up all that these prayers have to offer.
As I return to my routine here, my prayer book remains close at hand. I am using it but have also returned to using the apps and sites I know help me pray consistently while I remain present in the regular rhythm of life. If you’re interested, you can view my current favorite prayer book app HERE. It offers Morning and Evening prayers, as well as Compline. It also includes a recorded version for those who prefer to listen.
I believe that these patterns of prayer, whether by book or by app, help us experience God more fully. I’ll be interested to hear about your experiences with daily prayer and the habits that you keep. If daily prayer isn’t part of your routine yet, perhaps now is the time to start! May the indwelling Spirit of God connect us through these prayers and guide us toward the fullness of God’s grace in all that we do.
