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2020 has been unprecedented for all and challenging for many. With the challenges come opportunities. We have learned much, been forever changed, and unexpectedly enlightened. What are you longing to experience this Advent and Christmas season? What are you yearning to discover, and how will you prepare yourselves for the coming of the light of God into a world navigating a season of darkness? Join us for Preparing our Hearts, a three-week series featuring healing conversations around letting go, opening our minds, and becoming a beloved community.

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Letting Go

December 2, 2020 | 7:00 p.m. (CST)

Rev. Matt Holcombe

Rector – St. Michael's Episcopal Church | Colorado Springs, CO

How do you allow God the holy space and privilege to change your lives? During this season of Advent, what are you willing to let go of so God can fill the voids and chasms created by a year of grief and loss? Join us to explore ways to prepare your heart and mind for the inevitable changes and challenges that complement life as we know it today. 

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Opening Minds through Open Hearts

December 9, 2020 | 7:00 p.m. (CST)

Rev. Chris Harris

Associate Rector | Christ Church Cranbrook | Bloomfield Hills, MI

One of the most fundamental responsibilities we as Christians have is to take that inner journey, that self-reflective journey, and ask ourselves, "What am I carrying around"? Understanding reconciliation begins with self-work rather than other-work; in this Advent season, how can you prepare your OWN hearts for transformation?  Join us in this session to learn just that.

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Becoming a Beloved Community

December 16, 2020 | 7:00 p.m. (CST)

Rev. Kathleen (Kathy) Walker

Missioner for Black Ministries | Diocese of North Carolina

As we prepare for the celebration of Jesus' birth, let us embrace welcoming the strangers among us into our hearts and our sacred spaces. God is inviting each of us to connect with His people to bring the beloved community into realization. Join in this session and learn how you can embrace and become a welcoming community member.

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