Dear Ascension Family,
Love is central to following Christ. And love is our guiding principle in all things, particularly as we seek to interpret scripture and the commandments. Our faith is lived, not limited to our inner thoughts. As we strive to be Christ to the world, we can say we represent 'love in action.' All that we do, with all that we have, all of the time.
It is with great excitement that I introduce you to our 2021 'Love in Action' Stewardship campaign. This Sunday, August 1, we will launch the campaign with a fourteen-week offering titled Reflections of Love. Our weekly worship bulletin will have a Reflection of Love insert written by a faithful parishioner based on the assigned gospel reading. A follow-up email version of it will be sent out on Monday mornings and posted on our website's blog as well.
Each Reflection will encourage us to engage in scripture together, meditate on our faith, and live as Christ calls us to be. I hope you will commit to participate by reading these, using the discussion questions with one another, and praying for our parish and the faith of all those who gather here.
I look forward to hearing from you as you reflect on the ways you Love in Action by serving, giving, and leading at Ascension and beyond.
Fr. Paul