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Safety Training at Ascension


  It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.

- Moliere

For those in leadership at Ascension, myself included, the safety of all who walk through our doors is a high priority. We want everyone to feel welcome, experience God's love, and know they are safe. Safety can take many forms. For example, I hope all feel safe being who they are and expressing it at Ascension. At a more rudimentary level, I also want to ensure the physical safety of all who gather.

As our Senior Warden Tom Dwyer noted this past Sunday, the vestry has taken these concerns to heart. A few of our leaders attended a safety meeting at another church and thought it was something we also needed to host at Ascension. We met with the leader of an organization specializing in safety training for churches. This week, many of our lay leaders and staff will attend a training that covers a variety of safety topics. 

We plan to share what we learn at this training and offer some training to the whole parish soon.   Like the fire drills we experienced in school, we hope we never need it, yet we know that this training and preparation will allow us to offer a safe and loving environment for all.


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