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Summer @ Ascension

For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1

As each season progresses to the next, it offers an opportunity to re-evaluate parts of our lives. Summertime, particularly for families, exemplifies this concept. By the end of a school year, teachers, parents, and students are often overly ready for a break from the routine. This break creates openings for new experiences, vacations, and memorable gatherings for our church families. At Ascension this summer, several programs and events are planned for children and youth. If you haven’t already done so, check out the list on our website HERE. One option I’d like to highlight is Compassion Camp, a Bible-based week in August for kids ages 5-11. During this time, we'll explore what it means to have compassion for others, ourselves, and the world by listening to music, reading Bible stories, playing games, making crafts, and cultivating acts of loving kindness. Now more than ever, compassion is needed and valued with each passing day. I want to encourage your children to participate, and I ask that you please share Compassion Camp's registration information with others in the community who have kids. In addition, our Radical Hospitality committee is planning a fun night for families on Thursday, June 22nd, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. We'll have a kids' movie, pizza, popcorn, and more! Children are encouraged to dress in their PJs and bring their favorite pillows and blankets. Be on the lookout for additional information, but please mark your calendars for this fun night for all ages. Adults will also have opportunities to gather over the summer. The Saturday morning podcast group will resume in June and will explore podcasts about spirituality and faith. This offering encourages participants to listen to a particular podcast, then gather to discuss it. On Saturday, June 10th, at 10:00 a.m., we'll meet at Civil Pour for our first installment. Our time together will be thoughtful, light-hearted, and fun! Come when you're available and bring a friend. Look for the list of podcasts for review in next week's @Ascension. Lastly, on Sunday mornings, our adult formation will continue at 9:15 a.m., exploring several themes through the Bible Project. Perhaps summer is the perfect time for you to try something new! Join us for one or all of these options at Ascension.


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