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Prayer Practices and Accountability

"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable." Moliere

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to lead an Ascension men’s retreat. It was great to be together for fellowship, reflection, and prayer. We spent considerable time discussing the book Seek and You Will Find by Rhonda Mawhood Lee. The book is quite informative, outlining a variety of forms of prayer. We have extra copies of it in the office if you’re also interested in reading it. This book was a great starting point for developing a prayer practice and learning about other expressions of prayer. Several men noted an intention to try a new practice, which led to a conversation about partnering with others for accountability. I have experienced extraordinary benefits from regular check-ins with a friend regarding my own spiritual practices. If you have participated in the Cursillo renewal movement, you may recall the reunion meeting practice. These meetings open and close with prayer and include a time for people to share about how they are living into several areas of their lives: Piety: Practicing prayer, meditation, and other exercises that bring us into union with God Study: Reading scripture and other materials that help us understand our faith Action: Reflecting on ways we can be Christ’s hands and feet around us Plan: Looking at how we can continue and improve upon these practices I believe each of us can benefit from having someone to be accountable to in our spiritual lives. Some of you may already embrace this practice and regularly meet with a spiritual director or friend; others may still be searching. If you are interested in learning more or need help identifying a spiritual partner, let me know. I’m here to help and encourage each of you to deepen your spiritual life through fellowship, trust, and accountability. Blessings,

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