“For prayer is nothing else then being on terms of friendship with God.”
- Saint Teresa of Avila
The importance of prayer cannot be overstated. Prayer connects and unites us, both as we gather and as we disperse. Each of us brings our experiences and expectations to prayer and practices it differently. It is easy to feel a little lost at times, wondering whether we have it right or could do it better. It’s helpful to remember our Church’s definition of prayer: “responding to God, by thought, and by deeds, with or without words.”
The Episcopal Church has rich resources for prayers to offer at all hours of the day and in a variety of circumstances. These well-written prayers are lovely, but equally valuable and equally heard by God are the prayers we grumble throughout the day and our wordless intercessions.
Another key aspect of prayer is the inevitable hope or anticipation we hold regarding what happens after we pray, or as a result of our prayers. This becomes particularly true when we pray for healing or pray with another specific need in mind. It is best if we can continually strive to relinquish our expectations and simply use prayer as a means to seek God’s will. God knows our hearts and desires, but it is still helpful to open these to Him in prayer.
It is an honor to lead our worship and offer the sacraments of the church. Our time of prayer together is so rich because we each represent the spirit of God as we gather. As we endeavor to pray on our own, I believe it also adds to our collective experience. May we each renew our commitment to pray daily so that we may give thanks and seek God in all that we do.