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Writer's picturepaulklitzke6

Fr. Ernie Retirement

Fr. Ernie and I have enjoyed a close working relationship throughout my time here. He approached me last week to share his intention to step down from active ministry. He and Diana plan to continue worshiping at Ascension and remain involved in parish life. Fr. Ernie was one of the first to welcome me when I arrived at Ascension in 2015. He handed me a letter of resignation, which, for a variety of reasons, is a common practice for clergy as a new Rector arrives. It didn’t take long for me to say that I’d rather not accept it if he was willing to continue serving.  

Fr. Ernie’s decision to step down from active ministry, while a loss to us, is one we fully respect. His ministry has been a tremendous blessing to Ascension and to me. I’m deeply grateful for his generosity and willingness to help in many ways. And I understand his decision to re-retire. I invited him to preach this Sunday - an encore of sorts - and I hope you will be there to enjoy it.  

Furthermore, a special event is planned to celebrate Fr. Ernie’s ministry at Ascension. The 'Dining Out' event in September, to be held at Mijas Taqeria on Monday, September 23rd, at 6:00 p.m., will be a joyous occasion of thanksgiving. I’m confident that we will still be blessed with Fr. Ernie's humor and infectious smile in the weeks and months to come.


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