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Tile Project Begins in Nave!

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” - Romans 12:12

Over the years, capital improvements at Ascension have renewed our spaces and made clear that we care about our facilities. Updating these spaces has been essential to creating an environment that enhances our worship and programming efforts. Now, as we begin another significant upgrade to our church, we must remain mindful that making improvements requires planning and sacrifice. Our vestry and staff have worked hard to plan for the tile update in the Nave. We understand that even with thorough planning, there will be some messiness to endure. Preparations for pulling out the tile will begin Monday, June 20, and will include the following measures: the organ will be completely covered to protect it; items such as choir risers and chairs will be removed, and the sound booth and live streaming equipment will be moved and stored in a safe area. We will still worship in the Nave on June 26 while these preparations are well underway. We invite you to stay for a few minutes after worship on the 26th to help us remove prayer books and hymnals. On June 27, the construction will begin in earnest, with pews and old tile being removed. We will worship in the Parish Hall for at least the first three Sundays in July while the project is underway. Many long-time members will remember worship in the Parish Hall during prior renovations. While we will seek to minimize the number of Sundays we are out of the Nave for renovating, we will still experience the fullness of worship. During this time, our music will be led with piano, rather than organ. Many of the pews will be used for seating, a portable sound system will be used to ensure everyone can hear well, and live streaming will continue. Those watching online should note that we will not be able to offer the words of the service on the screen during these Sundays. In preparation for this, having the bulletin printed or on a second screen will prove beneficial. Please show up to worship with us throughout this summer and get a sneak peek of the progress! We continue to be grateful for your financial contributions to the project. It’s not too late to donate! If you’d like to do so, please click the button below this letter to get started. I invite your continued prayers and support for this project and look forward to worshiping in our updated Nave in a few weeks!


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