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Strategic Planning for Ascension!

"Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning." - Gloria Steinem

This Eastertide, we look to the future with hope and optimism. We are resuming some joyful practices and events and are better able to plan ahead. Throughout the pandemic, we made adjustments to how we worship and gather, and those changes were necessary to help prevent the spread of the virus. They were inconvenient and frustrating at times, as advance planning took a backseat to reacting to disease prevention requirements. While we still have reason to be deliberate and careful, we have few restrictions and have returned to many of our prior practices. There's no doubt we're emerging from the pandemic as a changed congregation. Our shift to hybrid worship and formation is a concrete example of positive change that's allowed us to be God's people to a larger audience. It's important to note that our mission and core values have remained intact and have held us together in this challenging time. I believe our ability to plan for the future will help us live into our core values in the coming years. The vestry and committee chairs will gather soon for a time of strategic planning with a gifted facilitator to help guide us. This process will allow us to talk about what's working well, ask the hard questions, and rely on collective wisdom from God and each other to lead our church forward. I invite you to hold us in prayer as we engage in this critical work. Please know my door is always open for questions or input leading up to this time.


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