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Rock Steady

My God, my rock in whom I put my trust, * my shield, the horn of my salvation, and my refuge; you are worthy of praise. Psalm 18:2

There's a children's bible song about God being steady; the hook goes like this, "Rock steady, rock strong! The love of God lifts you up, never lets you down. Rock steady, rock strong!" I have experienced the steadfastness of God many times in my life. The most recent example is observing Ascension throughout the pandemic.

The consistency with which the parish has continued a common life and ministry despite substantial disruption is nothing short of an act of God. Showing up to worship, even when it means watching online; showing up to serve, even when we weren't entirely sure what was safe. I believe the pandemic called us all toward discernment and stewardship; asking, are we spending our time and money in ways that are good and holy?

I am grateful for your consistency and your generosity with our parish. I look forward to returning to practices like passing the offering plate as a part of our worship service. Beyond the practical act, the offering rightfully connects our giving with our worship of God. Our move to FellowshipOne Go this year also makes verifying your giving easier than ever. You can visit: and see where you are with your pledge for the year.

If you need assistance logging into FellowshipOne let me know!

Blessings -

Fr. Paul

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