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Gratitude and Thankfulness

I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. - Henry David Thoreau

Expressing our gratitude and thankfulness is an ongoing process. In fact, it’s part of what we do each time we gather for worship. The Eucharistic prayers are titled, “The Great Thanksgiving". Studies have revealed that finding ways to note our thankfulness can actually make us happier. Hopefully, these practices are part of our daily routine. Thanksgiving Day is special because it allows us to gather with family and friends to honor the good in our lives. I have fond memories of shared meals and stories from Thanksgiving through the years. As a child, my family’s Thanksgiving traditions were all I knew; they defined what “Thanksgiving” meant to me. Now, I realize that while our specific traditions are certainly meaningful, the simple acts of gathering and giving thanks are what truly distinguish this holiday and make it universally relevant. This November, I’m grateful that we can gather more easily than in recent years. I feel extraordinarily blessed for my family and for the community we have here at Ascension. With so many things to be thankful for, let us take a few moments to offer a prayer of thanksgiving as we celebrate. And let us carry the spirit of Thanksgiving forward by taking a moment each day to give thanks to God and making that our perpetual, shared tradition.


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