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Faith and Faithfulness

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1

Faith and faithfulness are found throughout the scriptures. The Psalms use the word more than any other book, with Hebrews as a close second. Even so, the concept can be challenging. Faith is both inherently personal yet requires some community connection. Faith is immeasurable, yet we may say we feel it growing or diminished at times. I believe one of the benefits of Christian community is that our collective faith sustains us. As challenges arise or doubts creep in, those we gather with can help bolster our faith. This fall, Ascension will offer a variety of ways to share and grow our faith in community.

  • Our weekly worship connects us all in prayer and sacrament. We look forward to returning to our 8 am worship on the 19th and to 10:15 am this Sunday, September 12.

  • Our formation programs - don't miss the complete listing of what is offered below and on our website. There are offerings for all ages and intergenerational engagement with our family ministries. If you haven't participated in these in the past, this fall is a great time to start.

  • Our Outbound Ministries continue to serve the community as well. I don't have a fall kick-off note here, but I also encourage your participation as a way of developing faith. Jesus perpetually models and calls us to serve others.

Participation can be challenging amid a pandemic. Ascension will continue to strive to keep everyone safe while offering as much as possible. Each household will make decisions about participation, but we hope you will continue to join us in person when possible and online as well. Blessings - Paul

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