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Eastertide Season

Easter Sunday marks the beginning of the Great Fifty Days of the Easter season. The scriptures for this season offer Gospel readings that highlight the resurrected Lord. In addition, readings from the book of Acts are always included, and in this particular year, we also have a weekly reading from Revelation. Our adult formation offering starting this Sunday, April 24th, at 9:00 a.m. will explore these scriptures throughout the season.

Each season also brings liturgical changes which help immerse us in reflection as we gather for worship. This year, we will use a different Eucharistic Prayer from Church Publishing’s Enriching our Worship collection. These prayers will draw attention to a part of the service that deserves to be highlighted. While the prayer will be new, the pattern and message will be utterly familiar.

There is more to come in this new season, including a Mother’s Day celebration, Senior Sunday, and The Feast of the Ascension. We will embark on the Easter season this Sunday with guest preacher The Rt. Rev. George Sumner, Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas. I hope you will join us to hear from him, and I look forward to our collective celebration throughout this sacred season.


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